
New string to translate

itch.io / websiteKorean

New string to translate 10 months ago

Resource update

itch.io / websiteKorean

Resource update 10 months ago

Committed changes

itch.io / websiteKorean

Committed changes a year ago

Translation changed

itch.io / websiteKorean

There doesn't appear to be anything here…
이곳엔 아무것도 없는 것 같네요...
a year ago

Translation changed

itch.io / websiteKorean

Please provide a new password for the account {{account_name}}.
{{account_name}} 계정의 새로운 비밀번호를 설정해주세요.
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

Please provide a new password for the account {{account_name}}.
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

A password reset link has been sent to your account's primary address.
계정의 첫번째 주소로 비밀번호를 초기화할 수 있는 링크를 전송했습니다.
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

Enter the email address you registered with and we will send you a link to reset your password.
가입할 때 사용한 이메일을 입력하면 비밀번호를 초기화할 수 있는 이메일을 보내드립니다.
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

Reset Password
비밀번호 초기화
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

You can not verify an email address when logged into a different account
다른 계정으로 로그인하고 있는 동안에는 이메일 계정을 인증받을 수 없습니다
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

Your email address has been verified
이메일 주소가 인증되었습니다
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

We were unable to verify your email address
이메일 주소를 인증할 수 없습니다
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

Confirm email verification
이메일 확인하기
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

Verify your email address
이메일 주소 인증하기
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

You will automatically be logged into your account after verifying your email address.
이메일 계정을 인증하면 자동으로 계정에 로그인됩니다.
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

If you have previously made any purchases with just your email address, they will automatically be associated to your account.
이전에 이메일 계정으로 무언가를 구매한 적이 있다면 자동으로 계정에 추가됩니다.
a year ago

Translation changed

itch.io / websiteKorean

Please confirm verifying the email address {{email_address}} for the account {{account}}. It is necessary to verify your email address to perform many actions on itch.io.
{{account}} 계정의 {{email_address}} 이메일을 확인해주세요. itch.io에서의 많은 기능들은 이메일 인증을 필수로 요구합니다.
a year ago

Translation changed

itch.io / websiteKorean

Please confirm verifying the email address {{email_address}} for the account {{account}}. It is necessary to verify your email address to perform many actions on itch.io.
{{account}} 계정의 {{email_address}}{{account}} 이메일을 확인해주세요. itch.io에서의 많은 기능들은 이메일 인증을 필수로 요구합니다.
a year ago

Translation changed

itch.io / websiteKorean

Please confirm verifying the email address {{email_address}} for the account {{account}}. It is necessary to verify your email address to perform many actions on itch.io.
a year ago

New translation

itch.io / websiteKorean

Please confirm verifying the email address {{email_address}} for the account {{account}}. It is necessary to verify your email address to perform many actions on itch.io.
a year ago
