Please read here for information about joining the translation project:

Translation status

1 Strings 0% Translate
129 Words 0%

Other components

Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
tags This component is linked to the repository. CC-BY-SA-4.0 4% 378 511 1 201 Translate
website Fix this component to clear its alerts. CC-BY-SA-4.0 61% 438 2,235 5 485 Translate
desktop app CC-BY-SA-4.0 99% 2 4 14 Translate

Translation Information

Project website
Instructions for translators

Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Translation suggestions can be made.
  • Any authenticated user can contribute.
  • The translation uses monolingual files.
  • The translation base language is editable.
Translation license Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
Repository branch master
Last remote commit Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) df1909e
Dumbledora authored yesterday
Repository containing Weblate translations
Monolingual base language filelocales/documents/en.json
Translation file locales/documents/ro.json

Resource update / documentsRomanian

Resource update 9 months ago

Source string changed / documentsRomanian

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
11 months ago

Committed changes / documentsRomanian

Committed changes a year ago

Translation changed / documentsRomanian

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Cine ar trebui să se înregistreze pe

**** a fost creat inițial pentru jocuri video independente, dar găzduiește o gamă larglargă
ă de conținut digital creativ. Dacă cumpărațeri ceva, un cont este
opțtional, dar recomandat.

### Vreau să joc jocuri!

Deși înregistrarea nu este necesară, crearea unui cont vă va oferi posi
bilitatea de a crea colecții de favorite și în curând să devenițicu preferatele tale și care vor fi în curând favorite. Dacă
ați cumpărat oriceva de pe ****, puteți chiar să conectlegați acele achiziții la dvs
contul dvs. pentru a le urmări.

### Sunt dezvoltator/creator!

Grozav! **** este conceput pentru tipurile creative de toate tipurile, pentru a rapid
-și distribui rapide munca cât mai ușor posibil. Dacă îți vinzi conținutul, poțitu
începe imediat. De asemenea, uUn cont vă permite, de asemenea, să trimiteți jocuri la diferitele jocuri
găzduite pe ****.
a year ago

New translation / documentsRomanian

## Who should register on

**** was originally created for independent video games but hosts a wide
range of creative digital content. If you're buying something an account is
optional, but recommended.

### I want to play games!

Although registration isn't required, creating an account will give you the
ability to create collections of your favourites and soon to be favourites. If
you've bought anything on **** you can even link those purchases to your
account to keep track of them.

### I'm a developer/creator!

Great! **** is designed for creative types of all kinds to quickly
distribute their work easily as possible. If you're selling your content you
can start right away. An account also lets you submit games to the various game
jams hosted on ****.
## Cine ar trebui să se înregistreze pe

**** a fost creat inițial pentru jocuri video independente, dar găzduiește o gamă largă de conținut digital creativ. Dacă cumpărați ceva, un cont este opțional, dar recomandat.

### Vreau să joc jocuri!

Deși înregistrarea nu este necesară, crearea unui cont vă va oferi posibilitatea de a crea colecții de favorite și în curând să deveniți favorite. Dacă ați cumpărat ceva de pe ****, puteți chiar să conectați acele achiziții la contul dvs. pentru a le urmări.

### Sunt dezvoltator/creator!

Grozav! **** este conceput pentru tipurile creative de toate tipurile, pentru a-și distribui rapid munca cât mai ușor posibil. Dacă îți vinzi conținutul, poți începe imediat. De asemenea, un cont vă permite să trimiteți jocuri la diferitele jocuri găzduite pe ****.
a year ago

New contributor / documentsRomanian

New contributor a year ago

Committed changes / documentsRomanian

Committed changes 5 years ago

Resource update / documentsRomanian

Resource update 5 years ago
Browse all translation changes

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Percent Strings Words Chars
Total 1 129 803
Translated 0% 0 0 0
Needs editing 100% 1 129 803
Failing check 0% 0 0 0

Last activity

Last change June 8, 2022, 12:36 p.m.
Last author Alex

Activity in last 30 days

Activity in last year